Babs Just A Babblin' Blog

A bit of Gardening, baking, blogging, knitting, sewing, family, friends and discovering hidden treasures along the way.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Troubles in The Cloud

My iPad has been acting up. I took it to the Apple Store and they wiped it clean. I had to reload my apps. Bad news is I lost my calendar, my photos, and my recipes! Can you imagine! My recipes. Some of them I had loaded into Paprika Manager and threw away the paper copy. I'm sick!

Back up your data ALL THE TIME! I thought I was backed up to the "Cloud" but I guess I was wrong. I need to learn all about the Cloud now so this doesn't happen again. I got some work ahead of me!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Oh dear . . . . I better get busy!

  2. That doesn't sound good.

    I don't have an ipad but think I should probably back up all my pics on laptop and phone as I would hate to lose them.

    You will be a busy bee for a while

    Have a nice weekend.

