I dislike saying goodbye! And especially when it is someone near and dear to my heart. She has been since the second she entered this world; all blue, not breathing. My dear sweet Leah!
She's all grown up now. Time for her to forge new territory and spread her wings! I want the best for this young lady. She will succeed, she will be fine, etc., etc. but Houston is so far away! Gone are the days now when we wander back and forth between our houses for a little chat or asking if the dogs are OK or is your mom home? Gone are the days when she will call me and say, Aunt Barb will come over, " I'm scared," or will you pick me up, etc. I will treasure those times forever.
My tears are happy tears. Happy that she has the guts and courage to grow, experience, and expand her horizons beyond our little town. She knows and I know we will be forever close to each other in spirit and she will always be carried close to my heart.
Happy Trails, Leah B.....I love you.