Babs Just A Babblin' Blog

A bit of Gardening, baking, blogging, knitting, sewing, family, friends and discovering hidden treasures along the way.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Friday Five

One. It snowed last night....for real. We came home around 10:45 p.m. And it was a blizzard. Ground covered today. For real!

Two. We had our baby girl born yesterday. She weighed 7 lbs and 10 ozs. Born 04-04-14. Easy to remember. Right now, she is baby no name. When I get the OK, I will post a picture and a name.

Three. I finished her baby blanket 12 hours early. She was born at 8:30 a.m. Blanket completed Thursday 8:30 p.m.

Four. Getting ready for Florida.....facial this past week, next up pedicure, eyebrows, haircut and color.

Five. We put up a BlueBird Box. I swear I saw a bluebird in our yard so I want a nest in our yard. Went to The Nuthatch and learned all about them. Hubby placed it in an eastern direction, away from predators, open we watch. All we saw out there so far was a possum.

Have a fun weekend. Do something exciting...OK!


1 comment:

  1. Very pretty blanket for Little Missy No Name!
    Yes indeed, more snow. At least it didn't stay around for long with this gorgeous blue sky day. Even so, I was out and about today and felt pretty weird with loafers on with socks. . . . I didn't care, not freezing my tippy toes before I leave for Florida!
    Did you get my message about HodgePodge? Have you been there?
