Babs Just A Babblin' Blog

A bit of Gardening, baking, blogging, knitting, sewing, family, friends and discovering hidden treasures along the way.

Monday, February 24, 2014

WOB and Drew

WOB World of Beer.

This is a favorite spot of Drew's. WOB has over 1500 varieties of microbrews from all over the world. Drew has an app on his phone which tracks the beers he has tasted/drank and it also helps him select the ones yet to select. He is a plaqueholder.

After sampling so many beers (sorry forgot to get the number), you earn a plaque for the wall. Drew currently has 284 beers recorded. Some great, some not so good.

He was recently in Seattle on a business trip and visited the World of Beer there. He sampled only beers from the Washington and Oregon region. He would tell you they were great.

Sarah and Drew with Aunt Barbie

As for myself, beer---not so much. I enjoyed a great glass (or two) of Pinot Grigio. Thanks. Drew!

We had some good laughs and it was a good stop indeed. Thanks for sharing your WOB with us Drew!


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