Babs Just A Babblin' Blog

A bit of Gardening, baking, blogging, knitting, sewing, family, friends and discovering hidden treasures along the way.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Lunch at the Beach

We were camping, hubby and I, but I took time out and joined two chick.friends for lunch at the beach. I rode my bike from the campground to the beach. I looked real in my basket, cheese and crackers, and a chair bungee corded to my bike handlebars! But, I made it!

Lynne preparing her salad!

Kathy setting the table

Good conversation, wine, sunny, breezy, chat, chat, chat. Lynne made a great salad; Kathy made excellent raspberry shortbread bars (Ina Garten).

Three and a half hours later, strapped the chair back on the bike and back to the campground. The ride back was so much easier....I was riding into a very brisk wind on the way there.

More on our camping experience next.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Happy you were able to get some pictures.

    (FYI, when I tried to enlarge the photos on the iPad, all of your photo stream showed up. ALL, MANY, LOTS of photos!)

  2. That looks wonderful - hope you ladies had fun at the beach :-)

  3. Hi Barb, Such fun, and cool you were able to bike over from your camp ground. Have a great time, sure wish I was closer...I'd love to be part of your fun. Love, Penny
