Babs Just A Babblin' Blog

A bit of Gardening, baking, blogging, knitting, sewing, family, friends and discovering hidden treasures along the way.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Come On!

I hate to complain but....come on!

 Yes, this is our yard.  Snow, snow go away!  Today is suppose to be 60 so it better melt.  I am so over it!
I want spring...I want to ride my bike and get outside!  Dig in the dirt, camp, etc.

OK, enough complaining!

Oh, not quite!  I watched the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy last night on my iPad.  What's with the cliffhanger......I hate being left wondering!  Damn!
Oh Bailey, what have you done?  And April, now what?  I guess I'll have to stay tuned!

Have a grand weekend everyone!


  1. I am going to have a Grey's marathon tomorrow - I have 3 episodes to catch up on. I still love it :-)

  2. Guess we just have to enjoy some color and warmth indoors for a few more days. Rain is on the way and that will start to freshen things up. I watched Grey's and I think I know what is going to happen . . . I will not say a word . . .

  3. Yuck on the snow! Our weather here in IL has been nice, but starting tomorrow it's only going to be in the 40's all week with rain. :-(

  4. Hi Barb, We got rain, and it smelled so sweet after all the snow. Jon's girlfriend is also a big fan of GA. Gotta have a cliff hanger, that's the fun! Have a great week my friend! Love, Penny
